Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Darndest Things

Hafiz: Mariane, what is SMDS (my current employer)'s staff retention rate?

Mariane: 90+ %.

Hafiz: 97-98%?

Mariane: About there.

Hafiz: Do you know that somebody will be leaving SMDS soon?

Asma: It's me.

Hafiz: No la. Someone else.

Asma: No seriously, it's me.
After playing 4 games of volleyball and enjoying every part of it, we went for a group dinner. While waiting for our food to arrive, we decided to play Sudoku & Scrabble International on Hafiz's iPad. Hafiz is the Master at Scrabble (Sudoku, volleyball and pretty much everything else). He is also a pretty decent cool guy. Amir & I were being coached by Hafiz because we were noobies. Hafiz's tile was as follows:


All: What word are you gonna use?

Hafiz: BONER?

Asma: that even in the dictionary?
At the volleyball game, our friend Hanim played in another team. Though we train together but play on separate teams, she however came to support us.

Hanim: Asma, make sure the ball goes ABOVE the net! I'm gonna PRESSURE you so you perform!
Asma, be alert! Asma what are you DOING!

Ms Sweets: How do you stay happy all the time?

Asma: (very surprised) You think I'm happy?

Ms Sweets: Yes. So many unimaginable things have happened to you through out but I see that you are happy.

Asma: (thinking) It's hard work. Daily mental programming. Normally I just switch off. In really difficult situations, I allow myself time to grieve, then I release what was hurting me (object) and pray for the happiness of the object. I don't know how other people do it. It has worked for me.

Ms Sweets: My mom said the same thing.

Asma: Your mom is smart. Listen to her.
Emir is trying to assemble a DVD player. He leafs through the manual pretending to read it. He goes to the store room and takes out the tool box. Emir's mom Ilham and I observe him intently. Emir reaches out to his mother, puts his hand on her arm...

Emir: Ibuk jangan risau OK. Emir buat.

Ilham and I look at each and speak in telepathy: Emir, we are worried BECAUSE you're doing it.
Emir: Muah (auntie), jom pergi swimming

Muah Ach (me): Hujan la, Emir.

Emir: Kita pakai topi la

Muah Ach: Ada guruh la.

Emir: Kita tutup mata la.
I miss my nephew Emir la pulak!


  1. really? somewhere better? where?..(also first part)

  2. Yes Mynie, Yes Deeb. It's time to move on.

  3. I love reading about your nephew. He sounds adorable.
