Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Obedient Wives Club

This is the latest hot issue apart from Bersih. I was asked to comment since I have friends who are keen on Islam, and Muslim friends who get barraded with questions from curious non-Muslims.

Watch and listen to a discussion between OWC, Sisters In Islam and Islamic Renaissance Front:

My 2 cents:

1) Divorce is not the product of 1 party.

2) To reduce the divorce rates, we must look at the fundamental issues and resolve them. Some may be:

a) monetary

b) both parties become too career oriented

c) long-distance relationships due to offshoring and outsourcing causes strain

d) marrying young without mental, emotional, physical, financial and spiritual maturity

e) infidelity

f) others

I feel that OWC is dangerously misrepresenting Islam and the role of women. Dr Azlina from OWC admitted that marriage solely legitimizes sex and well, the discussion was focused on sex.

Marriage is about building a healthy family institution. Sex is just a means, but not the end. The family institution is the starting point to building good Islamic individuals, who will then create a good Islamic community.

When the focus is sex, it cheapens the family unit and the concept of society.

There should be a more comprehensive discussion on this by learned individuals to correct the gross misconception among Muslims and non-Muslims alike. If not corrected, the repercussions would be grave. Misunderstanding creates confusion. Confusion create error in action. Erroneous actions cause breakdowns in faith, families, etc.


  1. hmmppfff.. what a non-news. macam takde benda lain yang lebih konskruktif nak dihebah-hebahkan (oleh media). this is one of the responses that i like by Dr Harlina Siraj
